
Recoleta Cemetery: A tour between tombs and legends

Duration: 2h and 15min
Languages: English, Spanish
Guru: Swell
Quality Verified Registered on January 19, 2024

Hello! We are Swell, passionate travelers and true lovers of our city. At Swell, we not only organize tours and creative events, we are also genuine connoisseurs of every special corner. Our mission is to bring together travelers and locals, exploring together, appreciating the rich history that surrounds us, and caring for our present to build a truly incredible future. We look forward to welcoming you to share great moments and create unforgettable memories together!

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free
  • Accepts electronic payment
    This tour allows payment by electronic means or credit card

Tour description

Welcome to a unique experience in the heart of Buenos Aires! Get ready to enter a world of history, mystery and beauty on our guided tour of the emblematic Recoleta Cemetery. Immerse yourself with us on a fascinating journey through the cobbled corridors of this unique place, where the tombs and mausoleums are silent witnesses of the most exciting stories of the city.

Imagine walking among imposing statues, majestic columns and elaborate sculptures while discovering the secrets that lie behind each tombstone. The Recoleta Cemetery is not only a place of rest, but a true open-air museum that houses the remains of illustrious personalities, from presidents and artists to writers and political figures who marked the history of Argentina.

Our expert guides will take you on an unforgettable tour of the most notable corners of this vast cemetery. You will learn the fascinating legends that surround its most famous residents, from Eva Perón to Rufina Cambaceres, whose stories continue to captivate entire generations.

Each mausoleum tells a story, each sculpture has a meaning, and each corner is imbued with a unique aura. Do not miss it!


· Price: free tour, you set the price!

· Entrance to the cemetery: 8250 ARS (8.50 Euros) for foreign walkers and 0 ARS for Argentine walkers.

· Tickets are obtained at the door. They only accept credit/debit cards.

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What will we visit on this tour?

  • Meeting point:
    Plazoleta Juan XXIII, Junín 1849, C11...
    Plazoleta Juan XXIII, Junín 1849, C1113 AAU, Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
    View on map

    We will be in the PLAZOLETA JUAN XXIII PLAZOLETA with a black umbrella. We are SWELL. *IMPORTANT* Price: free paid tour, you set the price! Entrance to the cemetery: 5090 ARS (5.50 Euros) for foreign walkers and 0 ARS for Argentine walkers. Tickets are obtained at the door. They only accept credit/debit cards

  • 1
    Outside visit
    Recoleta Cemetery
  • 2
    Outside visit
    Pantheon of Eva Perón
  • 3
    Outside visit
    Tomb of Rufina Cambaceres
  • 4
    Outside visit
    Pantheon of Liliana Crociati by Szaszak

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

No reviews yet

This guru has 41 reviews in other tours.

Who is this tour for?

Suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Does not accept large group reservations.
Not suitable for pets.

What should you know?

Minimum of attendees
A minimum of 3 people is required for the tour.
Additional costs:
The tour requires the payment of entrance fees or additional expenses.
Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
Payment methods
Electronic or credit card payment is accepted.
When do you want to go?
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