Hey there, my name is Martin, welcome to Cambodia!
I completed my high school education in 2003 and began my career as a teacher at the Remote Area Kids Organization. I worked as a Tuk Tuk driver, guiding tourists around the temples in the Angkor Archaeological Park.
After graduating in 2010, I undertook a six-month training program with the Ministry of Tourism to become a professional guide.
Upon completing my training, I began working as a local guide, leading tourists across Cambodia In 2012, I advanced my career by becoming a Group Tour Leader with Intrepid, an Australia-based worldwide tour company. I led tours throughout Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia until November 23, 2019, when the COVID-19 hit.
In 2022,I returned to the tourism industry with renewed passion. I am deeply committed to sharing my extensive knowledge and love for Cambodian culture, history, and traditions with visitors.
My work allows me to connect with people from around the world and foster meaningful friendships.
Thank you for considering me as your guide.
Very informative and entertaining tour with lots of valuable information about the culture and history of Cambodia. Highly recommend
Für mich war die Tour sehr schwer und emotional, aber ich bin froh, dass ich sie gemacht habe. Mit Martin hatten wir einen Guide, der uns durch die Vergangenheit geführt hat, wie kein zweiter. Danke für diesen sehr eindrucksvollen Tag. Ein Erlebnis, das ich niemals vergessen werde
Very informative and professional guide. I highly recommend this tour if you are into the history of the country.
Martin es un guía INCREÍBLE ademas estudio en la universidad historia del arte y es un apasionado de lo que hace. El tour duro una 4 horas en total y recorrimos varios lugares, el siemore respondía todas nuestras preguntas. Mi propina fue de $20 y yo les recomiendo que en países como Cambodia seamos generosos con lo guías es un trabajo que demanda estar de pie y hablandonoslas todo el tiempo. Espero que tengan la suerte de tomar todos los tours con Martin tiene otro tipo de circuitos.