
Sandra Milena

Hello my name is Sandra I am a local guide. I am currently studying tourist guidance in the Seine and I chose this career because I consider myself passionate about the history that each country brings. My desire is to travel the world and learn about various cultures and histories. I identify myself as being sociable, cheerful, responsible, outgoing and above all very humble. I love my commune, I don't think I live anywhere other than here and I want to invite all world travelers to come and learn about our history of the project that was made after the Orion operation, and pass on the lessons left by the graffiti. We will enter the two museums of the commune, and above all they will meet the best graffiti artist in the commune "Chota 13". They will also know another attraction that is the neon house where they will be able to appreciate the art in three dimensions, logically we will enter the Museum of the commune 13 where we will see real photos of our commune, the suffering that this war left and in turn the transformation then we will visit the helicopter largest in South America in tribute to the victims of the conflict and finally we will enter another neighborhood of the thirteenth commune where 40 percent of those who live there are Afro-descendant due to the displacement that took place in Colombia there will be a dance show Fristayn show and a chow de trobas antioqueñas inprovisadas
