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(50 opiniones)


¡Oye, soy David! Soy un entusiasta de la historia y la política y me siento igual de cómodo al aire libre. Me encanta el senderismo y los desafíos al aire libre. Hacer nuevos amigos es una gran parte de mis viajes y disfruto probar comidas nuevas dondequiera que vaya. ¿Mi lema? Manténgase abierto a nuevas experiencias y deje que cada viaje moldee su perspectiva. Viajar es mi forma de descubrir el mundo una aventura a la vez Teléfono: +50241062539

1 Tour de David

Opiniones (50)

(4 Opiniones) Barcelona
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jul 2024

David ha hecho un tour cultural y gastronómico muy interesante. Mientras te muestra la comida típica del lugar te explica todos los aspectos culturales de toda la diversidad que convive en Xela. Muchas gracias por el tour, agradezco enormemente que lo haya realizado a pesar de ser la única turista que haya acudido.

(1 Opinion)
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jul 2024

Extremely good way to learn about the history and people of Xela. Shows parts were the locals go.

(1 Opinion) Hamburgo
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Viajó en pareja - Jul 2024

Thanks for the tour. It was really nice. We learnt so much about the streetfood, we tried a lot of things and David told us a lot about the historical buildings. It was a really really interesting. We would do it again.

(2 Opiniones) San Francisco
Reserva verificada
Viajó en pareja - May 2024

David provided a fantastic overview of both the history and current culture of Xela. He took us through the Mayan market, Catholic church, through the Parque Central, and the surrounding area. He was a wealth of interesting information and the tour was a highlight of our time in Xela. Would highly recommend.

(2 Opiniones) Viena
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jun 2024

I enjoyed the tour with David a lot! There was only me and the rain. So I apreciated very much that he did the tour only for me, also under this weather conditions. It was very intersting for me to get to know Davids perspective on the city and also life in general in Guatemala! It was great, thank you!

Destinos en los que David ofrece tours

(50 opiniones)
