Hey there! I'm Alex, a tour guide in Amsterdam for many years.
I'm very passionate about this city, even after having to move out a while back I still call it home. Like so many I am and always have been in love with Amsterdam. A sleazy place to do a pub crawl and visit the Red Light District for many, I would like to convince you of the opposite: Amsterdam is vibrant, beautiful, alive. Outside the tourist traps that Google Maps will send you there's a city worth exploring. One that's both loud and quiet, that harbors a unique artistic side that a lot of people miss out on. One with a fascinating and important history, both in contributions to society in the form of of the arts, science, and commerce and one with lessons to learn from the past.
I know this text was supposed to be about me, but I'd rather talk about Mokum.
Join me and I will try to convice you that this city is worth falling in love with!