
Coimbra tour: downtown, historic center, university and botanic garden

Duration: 3h
Languages: English, Spanish
Guru: João
Quality Verified Registered on August 30, 2018

Born and raised in the beautiful and historic city of Coimbra. I have a bachelor's degree in anthropology and a master's degree in cultural heritage management and programming from the University of Coimbra). I like my city, I like history, I like meeting new people... I will introduce you to Coimbra with original themed routes.

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free

Tour description

This is an original tour, we explore the university, historical center, and downtown. It is a visit to the most historical area and one of the newest areas of the city. We will talk about the history, society, traditions of Coimbra and Portugal (including foods, sweets, and beers, liqueurs... yes we local beers, and a famous liqueurs in this region :) )... be ready to walk! It's impossible to avoid the hills! :) 

I have a lot of things to tell you about the city/ Portugal. If you don't like history... if you are not ready to walk, think very well... the city has a lot of things/stories (and hills). Please, if you don't have time to take the tour, if you really don't have the patience to walk or to get information, seriously, check the tour duration on the website, think about it. If you have few time, and you want to know the city, i understand, but, please, ask the guide if there are more people! If it's just us, obviously things are different, and it takes less time, we change the itinerary if you wish. It's not fair to judge the guide for that, because the information is given online and on the tour as well.


  • Largo da Portagem
  •  Baixa 
  • Historic Center 
  • University 
  • Botanical Garden... 
  • after the garden, we can come back directly to the meeting point. 

 I kindly ask you to be at the right time for the tours to start. If you arrive later, or if you don't make the tour, please let me know whenever you can.

 Any delay means that: we may not have time to visit some historical places in the city (or we have to do it very fast), because betweenOctober/March season, some historical sites close early... or there can sometimes be big events in the city, and starting at the right time of the tour, we manage to avoid large crowds in certain areas of the city. Any delay, can  lead the guide having to be more strict about time management and sometimes having to speak a little faster or speaking less. The city has several hills, which with any unforeseen event makes it even more difficult to carry out any tour in coimbra. The guide has also another things to do, my life it's not only tours!

 Bringing comfortable, lightweight shoes for the tour is a good idea. it is a city with hills, and with some medieval streets.

If you come between May/October, the sun is often strong, it's very hot. A hat, and sunscreen to protect the skin may also be needed.

If for any reason you want to book the tour, or i just have one place, but you are a small group (3/4 people max.) but the booking it's unable, send me a message. I will send a message, i will tell you my availability!

If you have a large group and have problems with the reservation, write me via WhatsApp or private message via Guruwalk (tell me the number of people , language and tour time) !

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What will we visit on this tour?

  • Meeting point:
    Largo da Portagem 16, 3000-337 Coimbr...
    Largo da Portagem 16, 3000-337 Coimbra, Portugal
    View on map

    In front of Agência Banco de Portugal, Largo da Portagem. I have a green shirt and a and a colored bottle (mixture green/purple)

  • 1
    Outside visit
    Praça do Comércio

    Parties, cultural events in Coimbra sometimes happens here. On this square he find some traditional shops and two historical churches. In coimbra, some very important good and bad things happened here in the past...

  • 2
    Free admission
    Monasterio de Santa Cruz

    National pantheon, this monastery was also in the past a prestigious artistic and cultural school... here studied one the the most famous names for the catolic church... who is? I will tell you later. *we can visit the church, other places only with ticket

  • 3
    Outside visit
    Sé Velha - Coimbra

    The old cathedral, is from 12th century. Here was crowned one portuguese king. On the square where is locate this cathedral, takes place one the most famous portuguese nights, it's a Coimbra tradition... are you curious? Later i will tell you more things.

  • 4
    Outside visit
    Torre de Almedina

    One of the castle tower's that we still have in Coimbra. Inside there is a museum about the city, and the castle.

  • 5
    Outside visit
    Torre de Anto

    Another castle tower. Inside is small museum about the Coimbra's Fado and the Coimbra's Guitar. What is Coimbra Fado? Later you will know 🙂

  • 6
    Outside visit
    Universidade de Coimbra

    We will see from outside the oldest university in Portugal and one the oldests universities in Europe. It was founded in 1290. Are you ready to listen a lot's of stories and curiosities about this wonderful place!

  • 7
    Outside visit
    Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra

    The amazing University botanical garden, founded in 18th century, shows plants and threes from all over the world. This garden is large. From october to march, the garden closes at 5h30 pm (to go down the garden we must be there, the maximum at 5h10 pm). Our tour starts at 3pm if we don't have time to visit the garden, we will see other interesting places (the republic square, and mango garden)

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

664 ratings
By category
5 stars
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1 star
Julie 30 May 2024
Gold Coast

Verified booking
Travelled alone - May 2024
Joao is so passionate about his city and gives so much great information and answers all question! Didn’t realise all that Coimbra had!
Rhonda 22 May 2024

Verified booking
Travelled in couple - May 2024
Great way to see Coimbra.. good introduction to this famous city.
Debbie 20 May 2024

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Travelled in couple - May 2024
The walk with Joao exceeded our expectations. He was engaging, very knowledgeable and more than happy to answer all our questions. I highly recommend Joao’s walking tour of Coimbra. You will be glad you took it.
Juan 20 May 2024

Verified booking
Travelled in group - May 2024
Un tour de 3 horas muy bien diseñado en su recorrido. Las explicaciones abarcan tambien aspectos historicos sociales y tradiciones y especialidades culinarias y de dulces. Lo recomendaria para conocer coinbra
Kathleen 18 May 2024

Verified booking
Travelled in couple - May 2024
We thoroughly enjoyed our tour of Coimbra. Joao’s knowledge of Coimbra and its history, and his presentation to us was exceptional. He answered any and all of our questions in detail, and takes pride in his work. We highly recommend this tour. Kathleen and Michael
Show 664 reviews

Who is this tour for?

Non suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Accepts reservations up to 16 people.
Suitable for carrying pets.

What should you know?

Minimum of attendees
A minimum of 5 people is required for the tour.
Additional costs:
The tour does not require the payment of entrance fees or additional expenses.
Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
Payment methods
Only cash payment is accepted.
When do you want to go?
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