
Hidden Bruges Free Tour

Duration: 2h
Languages: Spanish
Quality Verified Registered on April 28, 2021

Hello! Mundistour arises from the desire to satisfy and provide the best service to travelers, whether on an educational, leisure or business trip. We are a group of guides with a lot of experience in the tourism sector, who have come together to share their knowledge, their experiences, their advice and their love for this country with all those who want to join us. Our group of collaborating guides follow the pillars of Mundistour, respecting its principles, which are:  RESPECT ALL OUR VISITORS.  RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT.  SEEK YOUR SATISFACTION.  GIVE HIM MOMENTS OF JOY AND FUN.  TEACH HER HISTORY, ART…  SHOW HIM THE WONDERFUL ARCHITECTURE.  TELL YOU CURIOSITIES AND, WHY NOT, EVERYDAY.  GUIDE AND GUIDE YOU ON YOUR VISIT TO BELGIUM SO THAT IT IS UNFORGETTABLE.

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free

Tour description

If you are in Bruges at the time when the city begins to lull and calm down from the daytime agitation, we invite you to deviate from the usual route , in order to show you a different side of the city . With lesser-known corners and curiosities, but not at all less charming and captivating.

Do you want to fall in love?

Be careful with what you imagine, because we are referring to the charm that Bruges offers to all its visitors and that it will not leave indifferent whoever dares to discover it.
We invite you to join our walk, in which you will appreciate a totally different Bruges from the one you visit during the day. We will go to the merchants' neighborhood , where we can visit the museum of the fried sweet potato , as you read it, in this country this gastronomic product is very traditional, not in vain was it declared Intangible Heritage of Belgium. Without straying too far we will find out that perhaps the concept of " stock exchange" has started in these lands, in the famous house of the Beurzes. And walking between the canals and the wonderful medieval architecture, we can see the Augustinian bridge, the oldest stone bridge in the city. And if we are talking about old, you will surely want to know where the oldest tavern in the city Vlissinghe is located , from the 16th century, which has received the status of a protected monument. And between history, curiosities, and much more, we headed to a calm and very pleasant area at one end of the city, where the Bruges mills are located, an ideal place to culminate our adventure.
What we will appreciate during our walk:

Grote Markt.

· Municipal theater.

· Museum of the fried potato.

· House of the bag.

· Jan Van Eyck statue and square.

· Tolhuis. (Old customs)

Lonja de los Burgueses

Augustinian Bridge

· Vlissinghe Tavern.

Santa Ana Church

Chapel of Jerusalem

English Convent

San Juan Mill

Gezelle Museum

· City gate. Kruispoort.

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We wait for you!

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What will we visit on this tour?

  • Meeting point:
    Markt 14, 8000 Brugge, Belgium
    Markt 14, 8000 Brugge, Belgium
    View on map

    We will be in front of the bell tower, in the main square, the Grote Markt. Our guides will be with an open umbrella, light blue, with the map of the world designed.

  • 1
    Outside visit
    market square
  • 2
    Outside visit
    Municipal Theater

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

(4 ratings)
By category
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1 star
Ignacio 29 Apr 2024
Buenos Aires

Verified booking
Travelled in couple - Apr 2024
Gurú muy preparada y conocedora. Amena en sus relatos.
MARIANO 23 Apr 2024

Verified booking
Travelled in group - Apr 2024
El Gurú canceló el tour, me mandó este mensaje a mi celular “ Buenos días, Muchas gracias por su reserva para el tour de Brujas oculta, pero, lamentablemente, hoy no disponemos de ese tour ya que no se llega al mínimo de reservas para efectuar la visita, ya que solo tenemos su reserva. La única alternativa que les podemos ofrecer es el tour histórico a las 14:30 o 15:30. Reiterar nuestras disculpas. Mundistour”
Mónica Ullate 12 Jun 2021

Como nos gustó tanto el tour de Bruselas con Cristina y nos dijo que también hacía Brujas pues nos apuntamos y el mismo nivel que el anterior.Aprendimos muchísimo de esta ciudad de cuento y se hizo super ameno.
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What should you know?

Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
When do you want to go?
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